Phone 337.988.9737
Fax 337.988.9739
About Us
Lafayette Foundation Clinic is a private cooperative of Louisiana-based medical providers with over 22 years of experience in the diagnosis and management of acute and chronic diseases. As General Medicine Specialists, our expertise is not restricted to a singular discipline, such as a subspecialty that self-limits its scope to only cardiovascular health.
Since 2008, we have dedicated ourselves to the treatment of HIV (PLWH) and are recognized HIV Specialists™ with the American Academy of HIV Medicine (AAHIVM.) Together our team has provided care for over 800 clients in 5 states. Care visits are a combination of traditional office visits as well as TeleHealth. Virtual Medicine has enabled us to assist persons in severely underserved areas of the state of Louisiana and beyond, who would otherwise not have access to medical providers familiar with up-to-date HIV regimens.
Therefore, in an effort to share our passion for selected infectious diseases (HIV, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C), we are partnered with AIDS Education and Training Centers (AETC) and the School of Nursing at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette for the training of physicians and nurse practitioners. Hopefully, with these collaborative efforts, the number of desperately needed HIV providers will increase to better serve the Southern states, which are home to the vast majority of those affected (*1).
Unfortunately, HIV has a dynamic interplay with many disease states affecting organ systems, such as cardiovascular, renal, gastroenterological, neurological, etc. Lafayette Foundation Clinic is uniquely positioned and trained to aggressively manage all of these issues with the intent to reduce risks and improve overall quality of life which ultimately leads to longevity.
All medications are selected and tailored to the unique requirements of each client’s status. Antiviral regimens and other treatments prescribed are carefully monitored for potential drug-to-drug interactions which can be frequently overlooked.
We are honored to serve Louisiana as medical care providers. . Therefore, we demand excellence of ourselves and work tirelessly to stay abreast with the most current information and treatment in the field. Specifically, LFC continues to research HIV and its impact on renal and coronary artery health. We also maintain over 100 hours of annual continuing education, via seminars, workshops, and conferences, with the foremost experts in the nation in discussing, reviewing, and debating the latest changes in treatment and advancing research. Many of these events are hosted by the IDSA, IAS-USA, AAHIVM, AETC, and Clinical Care Options. These events are in addition to our personal reading of research studies released through Journal Watch™, a division of the New England Journal of Medicine. Knowledge is not static and learning must never cease!
We also have a collaborative and consultative relationship with colleagues at the University of California San Francisco (UCSF) as well as the Eshelam School of Pharmacy at the University of North Carolina where HIV drug level testing can be performed when needed. Many of our clients, especially our Elite Controllers, are eager to participate in research and have been enrolled with studies at Stanford University.
Please reach out to us—we welcome your questions and concerns. We would be honored to care for you and your specific needs.
1Shortage of HIV-Experienced Clinicians in the Southern U.S.
Keith Henry, MD reviewing Bono RS et al. Clin Infect Dis 2020 Mar 25 Armstrong WS. Clin Infect Dis 2020 Mar 25
Our Staff
Dr Jason Landry, MD, AAHIVS
Founder/Medical Director
Attended Louisiana state University studying microbiology with particular interest in virology. Accepted into medical school at LSUHSC in New Orleans, Louisiana. Completed 3 year family medicine residency in Lafayette, Louisiana. Focused on chronic disease management and risk reduction by implementing dietary and lifestyle modification in conjunction with medical management. Particular interests include diabetes and its associated complications (chronic kidney disease, coronary artery disease, and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease), thyroid dysfunction, rheumatoid arthritis and psoriatic arthritis, liver disease (hepatitis C, hepatitis B, nonalcoholic steatohepatitis), and HIV.